
Issue 62 (36 pp) Spring 2024 | Page | Contents - Issue 62 |
Front | The explosion on the Cryptosian spaceship as it nears its destination - The Earth. |
2 | From the Editor |
3-6 | Dan Dare in "The Rotorcruiser Affair" Part 1 Dan's crew gather for the first test flight of the dep-space explorer ship Rotor-1. |
7-13 | DC Thomson and The Adventures of Starhawk, an in-depth discussion with illustrations, by Andrew Darlington |
14-17 | The Web Part 2, Bill Merrill set out to investigate the Web, and makes a discovery. |
18-19 | Centre-spread Our space hero poses in front of Rotor 1. |
20-23 | Space Review, by Ray Wright . Recent activity in asteroid mining (not actual mining, you understand), Buried ice on Mars. Very little doubt about that now, Lunar landers unable to stand upright. Another look at the amazing sprites, and news of a new, smaller, exo-planet with an ocean. Smaller is good, it's more Earth-sized than others found previously. |
24-26 | The Comet's Tale, A Jeff Hawke story, by Sydney Jordan. Final installment. The Lady Oriole has caught up with her wayward husband. He's in big (really big) trouble! |
27-31 | British Science Fiction in the 1950s, by Philip Harbottle. This is a walk-through of what some would say is the heyday of science fiction in the UK. Note the splendid front-cover illustration of a planet in a double-star system, which has been copied by others many times, and also appears in a frame of the Dan Dare story, The Phantom Fleet.. |
32-34 | Invaders from Time, a Nick Hazard - Interstellar Agent story. Final part. Art & Lettering Ron Turner. Based on "Lords of 9016" by John Russell Fearn. The evil Tegati are destroyed, but there are still some loose ends to tie up, requiring more time travel. Tricky business. Need to avoid time loops. |
35 | Earthward Bound The pesky lunarian cheese mite Bakscratch is imprisoned with Screwy and has an idea about escaping,, despite the long drop. |
Back | A tribute to John M Burns, who contributed a lot of great artwork to Spaceship Away. |