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Issue 47 (40 pp)

Spring 2019


Page Contents - Issue 47
FrontDan Dare montage, by Don Harley
2From the Editor, and a Dan Dare memorabilia jigsaw: "Dan Dare repels the Venusians" from the first Dan Dare story.
3-6Dan Dare, in "Shakedown Cruise", Episodes 21 & 22, written and drawn by Tim Booth
7-13The Don Harley Story, Part 1, by Alan Vince.
14-17Operation Pintos, Episode 6. The humans rush to save the city from its out-of-control power plant. Story by Gordon Coombs, Art by Harry Winslade.
18-19Space News: Evidence for solidification in white dwarf stars, a planet at Barnard's Star confirmed at last, and observations of colliding black holes, compiled and discussed by Ray Wright.
20-21Centre-spread: A portrait of Frank Hampson's Dan Dare, by Don Harley.
22-29The Golden Amazon, Chapter 2, "UNDERSEA QUEST", Part 2. Article and strip by John Russell Fearn. Strip art lettering by Ron Turner, Script by Philip Harbottle, Colouring by Martin Baines, based on "Conquest of the Amazon" by John Russell Fearn. Editing and additional material by John Lawrence.
30-35Captain W E Johns and the Kings of Space; Better-known for "Biggles", Capt. Johns' space adventure novels are reviewed for Spaceship Away by Andrew Darlington.
36-37The Frontiers of Space, as visualised in the 1950s Part 2
38-9"Earthward Bound", Episode 3, with the Moonies; a humour strip.
BackThe Mekon. Oil painting by Don Harley