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Issue 43 (40 pp)

Autumn 2017

Page Contents - Issue 43
FrontChristmas at SFHQ, a new picture, for this issue, by Don Harley
2Editorial,  and a finely-detailed impression of the proposed SpaceX interplanetary lon Mars, by Bryan Versteeg
3-6Dan Dare, in "Shakedown Cruise", Episodes 9 & 10, written and drawn by Tim Booth
7-14An article on the little-known Modern Wonder magazine of the late 1930s, by Andrew Darlington.
15Space News, a new feature, offering a catch-up on the recent major developments of the busy 21st Century space scene by Ray Wright
16-20Operation Pintos, Episode 2. The human exploration party make contact with inhabitants of Pintos. Story by Cordon Coombs, Art by Harry Winslade.
21-23"The History of Early rockets, Part 3", article by D.J.Nunn
24-29The Golden Amazon, Chapter 1, Part 2. Article and strip by John Russell Fearn. Strip art lettering by Ron Turner, Script by Philip Harbottle, Colouring by Martin Baines, based on "Conquest of the Amazon" by John Russell Fearn. Editing and additional material by John Lawrence.
30-32 Elite: Dangerous Horizons. Thirty-two years ago a revolutionary space-trading, exploration and combat game appeared on the BBC Micro and other personal computers, and it is still with us, but now with vastly greater visual impact and excitement. Want to explore the galaxy from the comfort of your armchair? Ray Wright describes.
33-36Dan Dare, in "Shakedown Cruise", Episodes 11 & 12, written and drawn by Tim Booth
37-38He who Dares. Jeremy Briggs talks to David Leach, the editor of the Dan Dare stories to come from Titan Comics.
39It's that man again - it's "Davy Rocket", our regular humour strip, by Ray Aspden
BackContributed art, by Andy Price, cover illustrator